Great Expectations The story begins in a village unreserved the marshes where a young boy named Pip lives. Because his parents are dead, he lives with his sister, Mrs. Joe Gargery and her husband Joe whos a blacksmith and Pips believe friend. Pip doesnt have frequently of a future, hes destined to become Joes apprentice and in the long run a blacksmith. Then, Pip meets a convict out on the marshes. It seems like nothing important, despite it being frightening, but this unite will change his life forever. The convict asks him to bring lash out food.
Pip, fearing for his life, steals some food from his house, brings them to the convict and doesnt see him again. Later, a stranger will show up in the lead Jolly Bargemen. Hell scare Pip a deal because he reminds him of the convict. Pip thinks he might be in danger, but instead, the stranger gives him two one-pound notes. At that time, not lots connection is shown between the notes and the convict on the marshes, but afterward dis...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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